This release adds support for Checkstyle 10.0 and above. Checkstyle 10.0 now requires at least Java 11.

For older Checkstyle, you may now have to use a different variant of Checkstyle Addons. As of this release, the following table applies:

Java Checkstyle Checkstyle Addons Variant SonarQube
11 ≥ 10.0 normal (no postfix) ≥ 8.9
8 8.21 - 9.3 -java8b ≥ 7.9
8 7.0 - 8.20 -java8a use Checkstyle Addons v6.x
7 6.16.1 - 6.19 -java7 use Checkstyle Addons v4.x
≤ 7 older use Checkstyle Addons v4.x use Checkstyle Addons v4.x

More details on which files are needed for which setups may be found in the download guide.

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