Misc v1.2.0

These checks address miscellaneous problems.


The PropertyCatalog check helps to keep a property file in sync with a piece of code that contains the property keys. That piece of code is called the “property catalog”, and may be:

The property catalog and the properties file are expected to be connected to each other either by a configurable naming convention.


The property catalog code could look like this (other forms are possible, see below):

public enum PropertyCatalog {
  AnotherConstant("two"),  // Duplicate!

  private final int code;
  private PropertyCatalog(final int pCode) { code = pCode; }
  public int getKey() { return code; }

The constructor arguments of the enum constants are the keys to the property file, which in turn looks like this:

zero = Some text
one = Some more text
two = Could be anything
three = These values do not matter for the check.

In this example, the property with key one is orphaned, because it is not referenced by the property catalog. It would be flagged along with the duplicate reference to two.

Other forms of property catalogs

In a property catalog, the enum constants themselves may also be used as keys:

public enum PropertyCatalog {
  zero, one, two, three;

The property catalog can also consist of normal constants. Private constants are ignored.

public final class PropertyCatalog {
    public static final String SOME_CONSTANT = "zero";
    public static final String ANOTHER_CONSTANT = "one";
    public static final String A_THIRD_CONSTANT = "two";
    public static final String YET_ANOTHER_CONSTANT = "three";

Important: The keys in a property catalog must be simple literals of type String, int, long, or boolean. No arithmetic allowed, no method calls, no references to other constants. Just simple literals. Remember that Checkstyle works on source code.

Overview of the check

The check roughly works like this:

  1. Select the Java source files (called the property catalogs) to check. Only types which match the regular expression specified in selection are checked.
  2. The constants defined in the property catalog are read. Constants that match excludedFields are ignored.
  3. Using the template specified as propertyFile, the corresponding property file is located.
  4. Then, keys from the property catalog are compared to keys in the property file. Warnings are logged if any problems are found.

If the property catalog is a class or interface, the values of the defined constants are the property keys. If the property catalog is an enum, you can choose whether the enum constant itself shall be the key, or the first parameter passed to the enum constant’s constructor (via enumArgument). In a class, private constants are never considered.

This check find duplicate keys in the Java code, but not in the property file. Use UniqueProperties for that. It also does not help keep the translations of your property files in sync (e.g. file.properties, file_de.properties, file_fr.properties, etc.). Use Translation for that, and configure this check only for one of the property files.


selection regular expression
Select the Java files that are property catalogs. Each of these files must have a corresponding property file. The regular expression must match somewhere in the binary name of the type, so a property catalog may also be an inner class. Binary names are basically fully qualified class names; the simple names of inner classes are appended by $ signs, for example com.foo.Outer$Inner. ^(?!x)x (check is disabled)
excludedFields regular expression
Regex that matches excluded fields which should not be considered part of the property catalog. Choose the regex so that it matches the entire field name. Keep in mind that excludedFields is applied to the name of the constant, not the key. With the exception of an enum constant used as key, constant and key are two separate things (see examples above). serialVersionUID
enumArgument Boolean
Determines whether the property key shall be the enum constant itself (false), or the first argument of the enum constant's constructor (true). When the property catalog is not an enum, then this property is ignored. false
propertyFile String
Template for the property file path. In this template, the following placeholders may be used (examples are for com.foo.Bar$Inner):
the original binary class name (com.foo.Bar$Inner)
the binary class name as a path (com/foo/Bar/Inner)
fully qualified name of the outer class (com.foo.Bar)
fully qualified name of the outer class as a path (com/foo/Bar)
fully qualified name of the outer class as a path of ..'s (../../..)
the package name as a path (com/foo)
simple name of the outer class (Bar)
simple name of the inner class (Inner)
(not set)
propertyFileEncoding String
Character encoding of the property file UTF-8
reportDuplicates Boolean
Report if two code references point to the same property? true
reportOrphans Boolean
Report if property entries are not referenced in the code? true
caseSensitive Boolean
If true, the property keys are treated as case sensitive; if false, case is ignored. true


In the following example, it is assumed that you have a naming convention which requires all property catalogs to have a type name that ends in Catalog. The corresponding property file is assumed to share the name of the Java file and reside in the same package, but under src/main/resources:

<module name="PropertyCatalog">
  <property name="selection" value="\wCatalog$"/>
  <property name="propertyFile" value="${workspace_loc}/MyProject/src/main/resources/{1}.properties"/>

The above example is for Eclipse, where ${workspace_loc} may be used to refer to the file system location of the current workspace. For SonarQube, you may use relative file paths. For the other environments, you may define a custom module property, which you dynamically set to the project directory. Example for Gradle (here, projectDir was used instead of workspace_loc):

checkstyle {
    configProperties 'projectDir': project.projectDir;

Parent Module
